Fraud Detect Platform for VAS Business

- Subscriber's protection against fraud
- User Experience improving
- Simplifying customer acquisition control
- Cost-cutting and increase of Customer Care departments effectiveness
Main advantages of using FDP
Clean Traffic
Bot traffic filtering and protection against hidden automatic subscriptions
Compliance Guarantee
Constant monitoring of web services and landing pages availability to customers and correctness of the operations
Clear Advertising
Automatic search of advertising materials and promotion methods that violate the advertiser’s regulations
Non-toxic Promotion
Automatic blocking of traffic from resources with prohibited topics and illegal content
Clean Traffic
- Our special Java Script injected into Landing Pages checks all the parameters of visitors, monitor their behavior, and sends this information to FDP.
- FDP uses machine learning algorithms for analyzing of traffic's meta-data (IP, referrers, HTTP-headers, etc.) and data collected by Java Scripts, then compares the current user with the base of bots and phones with malware.
- If the current user is marked as a bot or high-risk user, FDP will not allow the client of the MNO to make the subscription.

Data about user's parameters and behavior
Precision about do we allow this user to subscribe

Monitoring of Advertising materials
FDP emulates the behavior of real internet users who explore websites and come getting attracted to services by advertising materials, which were violating the rules of the mobile carrier.
FDP makes screenshots and collects all necessary information about a case in the report for managers of MNO.

Inspection of Services and Landing Pages
- Providing integrators with the opportunity to receive payments via Direct Carrier Billing, mobile operators take all the risks, and share responsibility with their partners in case of incorrect operation.
- All services purchased via a mobile account have to be available to customers and work properly. FDP monitors all operator services with any required frequency. It inspects all of the required sections, links, T&C, Privacy Policy, the correctness of authentication, and content provision, as well. Any deviations are being screened and this information and added to the report for the Carriers management
- FDP controls the correctness of all Landing Pages. If the Landing Page is modified or doesn`t work properly, it will inevitably be detected. It is especially crucial when Landing Pages are hosted not on the side of MNO, and integrators technically can change the structure of LP after approving of the mobile carrier

Blocking traffic from prohibited sources
There are a huge number of unwanted placements for the promotion of services with payment through DCB
For example:
- Sites with illegal content;
- Applications with modified web view component which displays ads incorrectly or can carry out fraudulent automatic subscription contrary to the user's intention;
- Adult-related sites when it's used for mainstream services advertising on them and much more ...
FDP controls the traffic acquisition process and does not allow subscriptions and payments if the user comes attracted from a prohibited or doubtful source